Recent contributions to conferences

Trends und Erfahrungen aus internationalen e-Learning Projekten mit ziviler Ausrichtung
Slide presentation (available in German language): training needs in international eLearning projects, relevant stakeholders, specific project environment, qualification needs, organisational development, methodology for effective human resource development, project examples, interfaces between civil and military project environments
Distance Training Convention of the German Armed Forces 2007, Hamburg / Germany (2007/09/13)
The conference presentation illustrates trends in civil and international education projects. A holistic consulting approach for eLearning empowerment is shown. It is discussed how educational projects in the military can benefit from experiences gained in civil project environments.

References/Links, Additional Files

Congress homepage at Helmut Schmidt University (archive 2007)
Icon Abstract (25KB)
Abstract (German): Trends und Erfahrungen aus internationalen e-Learning Projekten mit ziviler Ausrichtung
Conference slides (German), 13 September 2007
Distance Training Convention 2007: Conference Programme
Icon Panel discussion (290KB)
Ausbildung für den Auslandseinsatz. Bringt’s die Fernausbildung rüber?
Panel presentation: “Trends und Erfahrungen aus internationalen E-Learning Projekten mit ziviler Ausrichtung“ (PDF page 12)


eLearning und Self-Publishing in internationalen gemeinnützigen Organisationen
Slide presentation: project environment of nonprofit organisations, deployment of ZMS for eLearning and self-publishing scenarios in international nonprofit organisations, target group of ZMS projects, the all-purpose platform ZMS, lessons learnt (available in German language)
7th DZUG-Conference, University of Applied Sciences Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, St. Augustin, Germany (2006/09/15)
The conference presentation layouts a wholistic consulting approach for eLearning and self-publishing. It is described how the open source content management system ZMS serves as a multi-purpose platform for knowledge workers in international nonprofit organisations.

References/Links, Additional Files

DZUG 2006, ZOPE User Conference: Conference Programme (German)
Icon Abstract (13KB)
Abstract (German): eLearning und Self-Publishing in internationalen gemeinnützigen Organisationen
Conference slides, 15 September 2006


e-Learning in der internationalen wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit – Erfahrungen, Projekte, Technologien
Slide presentation: economics and costs of educational services, eLearning deployment strategies in heterogenous educational environments, project experiences, technologies and change management tasks (available in German language)
GI-/acm-Regional Group Stuttgart/Böblingen, Germany (2006/06/14)
In this presentation it is analysed how eLearning and ICTs are used in practice to accomplish economic objectives of companies and educational institutions. An approach for educational change management is discussed which is effectively applied in national and international eLearning projects.

References/Links, Additional Files

Icon Abstract (21KB)
Abstract (German): e-Learning in der internationalen wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit


eLearning Africa – Empowering Africa Through eLearning
eLearning Africa 2006, annual conference (2006/05/24)
The conference eLearning Africa is organised by “International Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions -ICWE” and Hoffmann&Reif.
ICWE organises the largest annual international eLearning conference every year in Berlin with more than 2000 participants:
HRC has been engaged in “ICT for Development” and eLearning projects in Africa, Asia and Europe since 1995:
832 participants from 80 countries gathered at the first „eLearning Africa“ conference from May 24 – 26, 2006, in the United Nations Conference Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, making it the largest event on educational technologies ever taking place on the continent. 13 pre-conference workshops, five parallel topic strands with about 250 speakers and prominent keynotes as well as an exhibition with major vendors and service providers covered all aspects of eLearning in the development context and provided a massive capacity building event for all stakeholders and educational and training professionals. About 70% of the participants came from African countries – a figure that shows the vital interest in eLearning on the continent and made „eLearning Africa“ a real African conference. Europe was represented by 20,6% followed by North America with 4,8%, the Asia Pacific with 1,6%, the Middle East with 0.8%, and Latin America with 0.3%. eLA 2006 was conceptualised and implemented in collaboration with the Ethiopian “Ministry for Capacity Building”, the „United Nations Economic Commission for Africa“, and the European Commission “Directorate General Information Society and Media”. With 13 pre-conference workshops the conference extends to a five-day massive capacity building event. During the 12 months preparatory work a Pan-African community of experts has been established, represented in the Honorary Committee and Advisory Committee, with more than 50 key stakeholders in education and training in Africa and Europe, including Ministers and Permanent Secretaries, comprising international, and foremost African experts on the matter of ICT for education in Africa. ICT related initiatives in Africa have been mapped out and active partnerships exist therefore between the conference organisers and all relevant ICT related initiatives in the field of education for the African region. Strong links to several African governments could be established. The conference is also supported by a number of foundations, sponsoring more than 100 Africans to participate at the event.

Conference webiste:

References/Links, Additional Files

Download article in magazine Manager Seminare, “Der Bedarf an Bildung ist enorm”, Edition 04/2005 (German, 2 MB)


Bridging the Digital Divide and Building Knowledge Societies
Slide presentation: eLearning in Africa. Infrastructure, stakeholders, concepts, programmes, and service development.
Baltic IT&T 2006, Riga / Latvia (2006/04/06)
ICTs have been recognized as an important tool for accelerating development processes especially in developing countries. The outreach and enabling potential as well as the scalability of ICT based services, the permanence of digitilised contents, the multiple delivery modes and the ubiquitous availability are seen as key features in many „ICT for Development“ projects in Africa and Asia. This presentation provides an overview on current initiatives and trends as well as on the actors of „ICT for Development“ programmes. It sheds some light on the current stage of ICT projects in Ethiopia, the challenges being addressed and a conceptual framework for building ICT enabled eUniversities.

References/Links, Additional Files

Bridging the Digital Divide and Building Knowledge Societies
BALTIC IT&T 2006 FORUM: eBaltics, Forum Programme


Further information

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