Workshop on needs assessment of e-learning in southern Africa

29 November – 03 December, 1999, Harare, Zimbabwe

Environmental experts from the “Southern African Network for Training and Research on the Environment” met for a workshop on e-learning and produced a feasibility study on Internet based training in the Southern African Development Community – SADC.
Three important issues were covered in this study: production of instructional content, learner support and communication and cooperation among the learners via Internet.

At the University of Harare: photo session after a long discussion on learner support on the Internet and how to deal with limited bandwidth and high costs for internet access in the SADC.

The trainer team has arrived at the workshop: Dr. Thomas Jechle from the tele-akademie, Sebastian Hoffmann and Arndt Bubenzer from common sense (from left to right).

The workshop sub-group on “learner support” chaired by Dr. Thomas Jechle (right) from the tele-akademie in Germany.

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