Project Implementation Team
Hoffmann&Reif uses an extended enterprise model that employs expertise based on the purpose, scope, and nature of the client engagement.
Companies and public sector institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America have formed long term business partnerships, project implementation and knowledge exchange cooperations with Hoffmann&Reif.
The following German companies provide continuously expertise and resources for project implementation:
- ICWE GmbH has been organising international conferences on education and training for the last 20 years in Europe, Africa, Asia and the USA. The flagship event of ICWE is the “Online Educa” conference in Berlin, launched in 1995, which has by now become the largest international conference on eLearning worldwide with about 2000 international participants. The annual event "eLearning Africa", a revolving conference series on technology enhanced education and training had been conceptualized and initiated jointly with Hoffmann&Reif.
- Saxess / Machinimatrix designs and develops software architectures for large scale infrastructure solutions. Hoffmann&Reif and Saxess have been involved in the design and development of the Digital Library of North Rhine-Westphalia, serving hundred thousands of students, making available millions of bibliographic records and full text research material.
- SNTL Publishing GmbH & Co KG has a 15 years track record in consultancy for electronic publishing in banks and medical institutions. SNTL is introducing seamless ePublishing workflows to large online service providers for professionals in the medical field in Germany.
- The tele-akademie, delivering training out of the Black Forest in southern Germany, was rated one of the best e-learning providers in Germany in November 2001. Since 2000 the Tele-Akademie has been helping South African universities in setting up their own web-based-training programmes through face-to-face workshops in the SADC and tutor supported courses on the Internet.
- THOMRO is a Zambian consultancy company based in Lusaka. It´s business objective is to promote renewables and engage Zambia's natural and human resources. In bridging the digital divide, Thomro is establishing a digital village thus bringing the internet closer to rural areas in Africa.
- WTI is a leading provider of application-oriented knowledge and practice-oriented research results for academia and industry in Germany. WTI is not part of any publishing company and thus works fully independently while providing customers with a complete scope of certified and unimpeachable contents.