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The eLearning Quickstart Workshop

A two days hands-on workshop for teachers, professors, trainers and educational experts - available in English and German language

Delivering learning through networks requires the materialisation of knowledge into media. Therefore course production and publishing become a core component of staff development for institutions or individuals wishing to embark on eLearning services. The mix of pedagogical, organisational and technical elements within eLearning results in a complexity in the process of producing content that should not be underestimated.

How to start with eLearning?

How to start with eLearning?

Many educational institutions in Europe intend to embark on eLearning services, enabling their faculties or training staff to reach out to new student populations and to improve the overall quality of services.

Hoffmann&Reif Consultancy has been engaged in building capacities for eLearning for many of these organisations in Europe and in Africa and Asia - through seminars, workshops and comprehensive eLearning programmes on the Internet.

Sebastian Hoffmann, Partner at Hoffmann&Reif Consultants will conduct this hands-on workshop.

Workshop Description

Content and methods of this workshop are action-oriented and result-oriented and participants actually produce eLearning content along the lines of a “Rapid eLearning Production” methodology. Before the face to face workshop starts, a trainer team offers participants a short preparatory phase on the Internet. During the workshop, the participants themselves design eLearning course modules, with every individual result not only to be produced but also to be published on-the-fly on the Internet. A follow-up phase on the Internet helps to consolidate the workshop results. Related to each personal achievements a certificate may be awarded.

An eLearning platform is made available, on which participants prepare themselves for the workshop by viewing and studying workshop relevant resources. With this approach participants can prepare themselves better and eventually will have a greater output from the workshop.

Participants are guided to publish their eLearning course module to be produced on their PCs. Each participant becomes the owner of a designated personal space on an eLearning platform. Here he/she produces and publish his/her own eLearning module with the help of a cutting-edge Open Source based Learning Content Management System.

The workshop includes an introductory presentation on instructional design and web publishing. Then follows a live demonstration and hands-on exercises on the Internet. Based on this warming-up phase, the participants are coached by the trainers to produce and publish their own eLearning course module. This is done by taking digitalised teaching material and aids such as text, graphics, photos, transparencies etc the participants bring in from their actual lessons or seminars and by using this material for constructing an eLearning module.

A maximum of 20 workshop participants makes this workshop a very intensive undertaking.

The Workshop Participants

Workshop participants are educationalists, teachers, trainers, experts on human resource development and professors who are already familiar with

  • working on a PC on the Internet
  • classroom teaching and / or instructional design
  • appreciation of a workshop in which their active participation is required

and who want to get insights into eLearning and web-based course production.

Important: Only those participants should attend the workshop who have a mandate to extend their own face to face teaching through media based teaching services. The participant´s project will be assessed through an online assessment procedure. Every participant has to bring teaching material such as text, graphics, photos, transparencies etc related to the subject she/he is teaching in a digital format to the workshop. The material should be suitable for a short lecture (e.g. 30 minutes).

Workshop objectives and outcome

The participants will apply newly acquired knowledge to their teaching and training practice. They will perform the following tasks (outcome in brackets):

  • to start practicing a Rapid eLearning methodology for courseware development;
  • to start authoring a WebQuest document (outcome: your own WebQuest)
  • to publish instructional content on an eLearning platform (outcome: your course home page);
  • to experience blended learning;
  • to teach online;
  • to use online evaluation tools

Workshop Facilitator

Work experience:
Sebastian has been an independent eLearning-/ICT consultant at Hoffmann&Reif Consultancy since 2001. Before that he had been the Head of Department at an eLearning and IT solutions provider in Germany. In 1996/1997 he worked as a member of the technical staff at the Tele-Academy in Germany, conceptualizing and implementing online-course-ware and knowledge management infrastructures. In 1995 he developed eLearning applications for digital broadband systems at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. From 2003 to 2005 he conceptualised and implemented the Comprehensive Package for Building eLearning Organizations (CPeO), a multi-disciplinary capacity building programme for education and knowledge providers to integrate eLearning into service portfolios.

Current occupation:
Sebastian Hoffmann is currently working at Hoffmann&Reif in the field of strategic eLearning consultancy, cross-media publishing, and knowledge management in the context of international business development projects. He has been responsible for project management, coaching, and strategic consultancy in Hoffmann&Reif’s eLearning projects for public sector customers like GTZ, a German development cooperation agency, as well as for Ministries and companies in Europe, Africa and Asia. He is a shareholder in the German ePublishing Consultancy company SNTL, http://www.sntl-publishing.com .


For booking and further information please contact shof@hoffmann-reif.com.

Further information

The eLearning Quickstart Workshop in a nutshell [More]
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